Sunday, October 2, 2011


Well, I realize it's been a while since I have posted anything.  Reason?  I have a life.   In Recent weeks, I have come to realize that there is a new program on TV called PANAM.  It is obviously on TV to depict the "glamourous" life style of a flight attendant or "stewardess" from the 1960's. When I first hear of this program, my spouse said to me, " Are you going to pick the show apart and have a remark for everything??"  After watching the pilot episode (no pun intended), I can only say this.  YES!  DEAR GOD!!  Ok, I do understand that it was a different time, but Flight Attendants also being spys?!  Absurd!  Also, I can guarentee those ladies would have had more than one teenie-tiny hand bag for a shift that would have them travelling to EUROPE!!!  I see people going from Ottawa to Toronto with more luggage than that!!  And is it at all feesible for these ladies to carry not only and extra pair of shoes, but also a couple dresses, make up, night gown and possibly an extra clean uniform shirt in that TINY BAG!?!?!?!?  Nope. 

Alright, I'm done on that rant. 
Next episode is this evening.... we shall see what will come....

Friday, July 30, 2010


Welcome to the life of a fly girl, stewardess, cookie pusher...whatever term you feel most comfortable with. 

For obvious reasons, you will not ever see my face, name, or the company I work for. 
Even though I will say things that will make it seem like I hate my job, I do enjoy it.  I have been enjoying it for the last 7 years! 

I decided, not too long ago, that I would start to view my job as a Flight Attendant as a social experiement.  We have all been on an aircraft at some point in our lives.  And most people only see the obvious things.  Such as cute girls in skirts and scarves letting you know how to do up a seat belt and showing you how to get the hell out of a plane (should you make it that far). 
What people don't see, is the Flight Attendant having a major melt down when she has to get up at 2 AM when she has only had 3 hours of sleep. 
I am here simply to expell any of those "glamorous" myths that people have about us. 

Oh sure, about 30 years ago, I bet it was glamorous to wear a little pill box hat, and be able to smoke in the back galley while working.  In this day and age, with the appearance of the "low cost airline" that glamorous career is gone.  Not to mention the "new" law of no smoking on a plane.  SERIOUSLY!?!?!?!?! Who the hell was the brain child on that one.  And how long did it take for someone to say, "hey, this massive vehicle is flying 40,000 ft in the air with no where to go but down..... Maybe we shouldn't allow people to smoke on here anymore."  WTF And for some reason, there are those idiots who still do it!!!! 
Another topic for another day.
If anyone has questions about the job, I'm more than happy to answer them.  Be aware, however, that I may have a smart ass answer for you...I have nothing against the general public.  My family is the general public, and you all contribute to me still having a job. 

Enjoy the posts to come.